Friday, September 17, 2004

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Friday, September 17, 2004

Hour 1: Ted Bell complains that he’s demonized for having an affair yet it’s ok for Kobe Bryant to do the same thing.

Hour 2: Jeff Dowder, on location in Japan, doesn’t see the “big deal” about active volcano Mt. Asama. He says that after two A-bombs and multiple Godzilla attacks, this is a walk in the park for the Japanese. In another episode of “Letter To My Baby,” a melancholy tale unfolds about a man who almost had it all and the woman who ruined it by forgetting to shave her armpits. Loyd Bonafide is suffering from dementia and thinks he’s Napoleon Bonaparte. He says that the U.S.A. needs an emperor and he is ready for the challenge.

Hour 3: “Love Songs on Lonely Hearts Radio” with Bob, the DJ who claims to have the lowest and sexiest voice in the world. Though certainly low, arousing it is not. And neither are his music choices. In this flashback, Jay Santos of the Citizens Auxiliary Police asks, why kick child molesters out of your neighborhood when you could instead have a welcoming BBQ and learn about their other interests? Phil opens the listener mailbag and reads a story about a man who almost choked to death on trail mix.


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