Friday, September 10, 2010

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Bobbie Dooley discusses her ideas to make America safer, especially in flight. Nerve gas released by the pilot, axes and machetes hidden with the flotation devices and cockpit doors made of iron. Bobbie also and inevitably talks about who's kid gets to survive...her's, the one left at home or yours, the one on the plane. Naturally your kid gets nerve-gassed.

Next up Jay Santos of the Citizens Auxiliary Police tells Phil that the magic words he uses to frisk or 'spread" people are "Turn around, put your hands on your head and shut your pie hole." Jay says that if those words are spoken with "the voice of authority" then the people will do just that and hence give their consent. Jay also says his ace-in-the-hole is that it's suspicious to be out on 9/11 at the mall eating a corn dog.