Friday, October 16, 2009

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Hour 1: A 3.2 earthquake happened tonight, but there was no damage reported. Professor Emory Clayton calls in from Teds of Beverly Hills to talk about the Meghan McCain photograph. He thinks she's targeting black men to persuade them to vote for a conservative candidate.

Hour 2: Phil talks about Newt Gingrich endorsing a pro-choice candidate who is backed by Acorn. He briefly mentions the balloon boy story and talks about Rush Limbaugh. He again talks about the Justice of the peace who refused to marry an interracial couple. Then there is a Dr. Greenthumb report.

Hour 3: Vernon Dozier comes on the program to talk about the balloon boy story. He says the boy was manipulating his father so he could get on television. He says that when the boy got sick on TV, that was all fake. Then the stories we couldn't get to.


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