Friday, November 6, 2009

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Hour 1: Dean Wheeler is on the show to talk about the Fort Shoot shooting. Dean says that the shooter Nidal did this to get out of going to war by wounding himself. He thinks that the incident was a blessing to say how wars are destructive, and mental health isn't an issue because Nidal was a psychiatrist. He would have self-diagnosed himself. He says it was humiliating for him to be wounded by a female police officer.

Hour 2: Bobbie Dooley is on the show to talk about her Fall-tackular. Because of the Fort Hood shooting she's not sure if she should have it or not. She seems to think that we all need to stop obsessing and just move on and get a life. The shooting has ruined her Fall-tackular. She says if people want excitement, rent season 5 of 24.

Hour 3: Phil starts out talking about Obama giving a shout out to a congressional medal of honor winner after finding out about the Fort Hood shooting. Then he goes on to give some political commentary. He takes some phone calls, there's a Dr.Greenthumb report, and The stories we couldn't get to.


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