Friday, November 5, 2010

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Tonight, the insanity of Robert Green, CEO from Frazier Foods bubbled over and set the stove on fire as he seriously proposed allowing people to sell children. A woman in Florida was arrested for attempting to sell her 12 week old grandchild for $75,000. "And the Florida undercover cop she was negotiating with got her down to $30,000....and then arrested her!" Bob feels that if the "fat cat adoption agencies can make more money than US Steel then the average person outta be able to go out and sell a kid."

Next up it was Vernon Dozier who, despite having had his heart broken by a lesbian in college, was on Phil's show tonight to talk about the guts of Rachel Maddow sticking up for Keith Olbermann after he got suspended from MSNBC for making a political contribution in violation of company policy. "I want to talk about these lesbians that have had the guts to go out and make this world a better place even if it makes my students uncomfortable." Vernon figures he had it all wrong all these years and now he wants to share openly with his students about homosexuality.


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