Friday, November 4, 2005

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Hour 1:

Phil welcomes Steve Bosell to the show. He is on discuss his recent "Jay Walking" appearance on the Jay Leno Show. When asked where Mexico was, Steve could not answer. He is suing the show because they humiliated him, but Steve also signed a waiver. Callers believe Steve has no shot at a lawsuit because he signed the waiver.

Hour 2:

Ted Bell of Ted's of Beverly Hills joins the show.He is upset because he was caught sleeping with fat women in the liquor closet. Ted thinks his wife is wrong and should not be upset with him. Callers are outraged and feel sorry for Ted's wife having to go through the humiliation of her stupid husband.

Hour 3:

Phil plays a flashback from 5/5/05 called Evolution vs.. Creationism. Harvey Wireman calls in because he heard the flashback. He did not like Lloyd Bonafide saying he was King Kong's in-law.


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