Friday, November 22, 2002

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Friday, November 22, 2002

Show Log by Machine Dintino

Hour 1:
Larry Grover starts things off with the idea that cheerleaders should start wearing baggy slacks. He feels that they make demands on football players by nagging them with “Go go go, get it in, stick it in” – that sounds quasi-sexual to him. Phil explains he did the voice of Larry. Flashback with Vernon.

Hour 2:
Margaret Gray joins the show to discuss Wynona Ryder and how she should be given a little leeway when she’s stealing from Sachs 5th Avenue because she was researching a part for a movie. Margaret thinks drinking and driving should be allowed too for actors too. Phil explains the show again. Brad Rifkin is on with a flashback.

Hour 3:
Dean Wheeler is against the war in Iraq and he’s having school children write letters to President Bush “Don’t murder Iraqi children.” He thinks if Bush does nothing he’ll be removed from office for ignoring school children. The letters are signed on behalf of Wheeler Import/Export. Father McQuarters comes on with a Flashback.


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