Friday, November 20, 2009

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Hour 1: Phil talks about Oprah Winfrey retiring. Bud and Robert think that Sarah Palin can replace Oprah. Twilight breaks the record for the midnight screening. People get mad because they couldn't get their book signed by Sarah Palin. Phil mentions some anti-government billboards that were put up in the south. There's some political commentary and a Dr. Greenthumb report.

Hour 2: Dean Wheeler comes on to talk about Oprah Winfrey retiring. Dean says that Oprah brought President Obama and Michelle together. He says Oprah did very important political shows that changed the country. People should have shown her more respect when she gave her retirement speech.

Hour 3: Vernon Dozier doesn't think Universities should get funding and it should go to private schools instead. He thinks that public education is socialism. He wants to rebuild and open Spahn ranch where Charles Manson lived to give tours.


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