Friday, May 3, 2002

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Hour 1: ...[Steve Bosell explains] that for the past couple of years, he and his neighbor [Roy Hutchins] have gone fishing together and on these trips Steve has experienced bleeding from his rear end....Steve states that he is going to sue his neighbor, who admits to being Catholic (which in Steve's mind means he was abused) for abusing him in the rear which is causing the bleeding and just in case the cheese blocks that they are [snacking] on has anything to do with it, he'll also be suing the cheese manufacturer for creating a product that induces anal bleeding!... [Chris Pelton]

Hour 2: Margaret Gray is head of a project where rich kids go into a neighborhood and tell poor kids about all the stuff that has, and that makes the poor kids happy for them rather than contemplate their own misery.

Hour 3: VARIETY.


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