Friday, May 12, 2000

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Hour 1:

"Rubberneckers & Lookie-Lou's" Jay Santos and The CAP are working with the "New Mexico People Range Patrol" to keep California motorists away from the Los Alamos, NM fire -- they will be checking cars for hot dogs, marshmallows and ingredients to make S'm

Hour 2:

"Rubberneckers & Lookie-Lou's" (cont'd) Bobbie Dooley from the "Second Amendment Sisters" joins the program to tell Phil's females listeners how they can celebrate Mothers Day without being apart of the Million Mom March.

Hour 3:

"Women Love Scientology" Dr.Jim Sadler joins the program, he fears there will be more "Scientology babies" born because of sex superstars like Tom Cruise and John Travolta.


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