Friday, March 10, 2006

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Hour 1:

Phil plugs the upcoming live chat on, taking place on March 13th. Margaret Gray joins the program to talk about the spring television season, she thinks Phil should use the "Teachers" publicity photos that show a bulge in his pants.

Hour 2:

Herb Sewell joins program to discuss people who are released from custody as sex offenders. He believes he should be allowed "controlled road rage" while driving to vent his frustration of being in a society that still doesn't trust him.

Hour 3:

Phil plays a flashback, plugs his upcoming live chat, and his TV show "Teachers." Phil says TV and radio is a fantasy word and rants about the Mafia. David G. Hall tells Bud to shut up and stop giving Phil a hard time. RC Collins remarked to his date at his annual Commandants Ball, "Colder than a witches boob, ain't it?"


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