Friday, June 15, 2012

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Jay Santos of the Citizens Auxilliary Police came on the show to warn Phil that all his questions concerning a man in Texas killing the allgeged attacker of his daughter....well, see we even blew it here on the show log calling the attacker "alleged." In any event, Phil's questions were not being viewed favorably by Major Newton of the CAP. Mr. Hendrie's much too curious and clever.

Following that imbroglio, Jeff Dowder, sometime assistant professor of "mechanical physics" at Cal Tech, discussed Nick Wallenda's crossing of Niagra Falls on a high wire. Jeff said it was not the daredevil act it appeared to be considering the fact Mr. Wallenda was wearing a safety harness. Now, said Jeff, if you've ever ridden in the front car of the Stateline, Nevada roller coaster you'd know what real "daredevilism" was.


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