Friday, July 30, 2010

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Phil is called tonight by a listener who claims his twin brother has been arrested in Tennessee for murder. Mr. Don Parsley says that he doesn't take charity because his family has never taken charity going back many generations....BUT....if people wanted to call in and donate money for his brother's defense they should donate generously as Don wants someone like "Johnny Cochrane for my brother even though I know Johnny Cochrane is dead." Don claims his brother is innocent because his brother produced two tickets for a Nashville Predators hockey game he claims he was at the night of the murder. Problem is the tickets have a date on them that's one week after the date of the murder....and there wasn't a hockey game that night. Don wonders if his brother hallucinated being at a hockey game. He also says because he and his brother are twins they can read each others minds. And if they aren't together, they can read other peoples minds.


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