Friday, January 7, 2011

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Starting things off was Don Micksa of the University of Washingon. With Great Neck, New York banning smoking on it's streets Professor Micksa said that the time had come for us to give our young people the truth about smoking...that the worlds most interesting people smoke. Like Winston Churchill. "Wouldn't you want to be as self-possessed and confident as Winston Churchill," asks Micksa. "Well then light up a cigar.

Then Steve Bosell, who claims to have gotten lost in a "twilight zone" when he saw a toddler beauty pageant on TV, says he is oppossed to parading children like that but he also saw one child in a Madonna "conical brassiere" that made him curious. When his wife called for him from another part of the house he yelled back "something's come up." Well it isn't long before Steve is pegged as a perv and in need of immediate psychiatric evaluation. Steve ends the hour crying.


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