Friday, January 11, 2013

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Harvey Weirman came on the show to discuss the law as it pertains to a 24 year old man abducted when he was 5. Part of the way through his conversation with Phil, Harvey sees his daughter and son-in-law coming out of a Whole Foods with a barrel of oats and three feed bags and tells Phil his daughter is a health nut, a new-ager who he may find one day on her hands and knees in the back yard gnawing on tree bark.

Don Micksa joined the show very briefly to discuss the anniversary of the Costa Concordia tragedy. He was so relaxed though that every sentence trailed off to the point neither Phil nor anyone else could understand him. He did say it was bad for a ship's capatin to be on the cell phone when his vessel runs aground. But its REALLY bad if he's on his cell and sitting on a toilet with his pants down. It just looks bad.


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