Friday, December 6, 2002

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Friday, December 6, 2002

Show Log by Paul Dintino

Hour 1:
Phil starts out talking about WMDs in Iraq. Steve Bosell has a friend at HBO, he spoils the ending of The Sopranos where Paulie Walnuts is from outer-space and Carmella Soprano is a dyke. Bud screws up the Top 10 holiday movies.

Hour 2:
Margaret Gray reports on Wynona Ryder getting convicted. Vernon Dozier comes on to say President Bush and how he’s letting his “Da-Da” influence his decision on Iraq (he cracks up at the end). Jay Santos says Merry Christmas from the Citizens Auxiliary Police.

Hour 3:
This hour begins with Joe Dickhead’s NFL picks. Vernon Dozier and Raj Fahneen join Phil in-studio. Rolland Schwinn from NBC come in to discuss the downfall of NBC.


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