Search Results for: RC Collins – Page 32

It’s Elcott……the Next Step!… Dr. Ed Elcott brings on special guests Beans Halberstam and Bobbie and Steve Dooley. The Overlords are not happy.

It’s Elcott……the Next Step!… Dr. Ed Elcott brings on special guests Beans Halberstam and Bobbie and Steve Dooley. The Overlords are not happy.

It’s Elcott……the Next Step!… Dr. Ed Elcott brings on special guests Beans Halberstam and Bobbie and Steve Dooley. The Overlords are not happy.

It’s Elcott……the Next Step!… Dr. Ed Elcott brings on special guests Beans Halberstam and Bobbie and Steve Dooley. The Overlords are not happy.

It’s Elcott……the Next Step!… Dr. Ed Elcott brings on special guests Beans Halberstam and Bobbie and Steve Dooley. The Overlords are not happy.

It’s Elcott……the Next Step!… Dr. Ed Elcott brings on special guests Beans Halberstam and Bobbie and Steve Dooley. The Overlords are not happy.

It’s Elcott……the Next Step!… Dr. Ed Elcott brings on special guests Beans Halberstam and Bobbie and Steve Dooley. The Overlords are not happy.

It’s Elcott……the Next Step!… Dr. Ed Elcott brings on special guests Beans Halberstam and Bobbie and Steve Dooley. The Overlords are not happy.

It’s Elcott……the Next Step!… Dr. Ed Elcott brings on special guests Beans Halberstam and Bobbie and Steve Dooley. The Overlords are not happy.

It’s Elcott……the Next Step!… Dr. Ed Elcott brings on special guests Beans Halberstam and Bobbie and Steve Dooley. The Overlords are not happy.

Hour 1:RC Collins is upset because he was bidding on a Syrian insurgent skull on EBay and the item was removed.Hour 2:Steve Bosell got into a dispute with his neighbor Roy Hutchins after Steve refused a check numbered #666.Hour 3:Phil talks about married couples living apart. RC calls in with a technical problem. David G. Hall and Bud also make an appearance as an ape runs loose in the studio. Phil rants about Free FM and San Diego.
Hour 1:Father James McQuarters wants to have kids on stage naked performing Genesis in the school play...He feels that it is ok as this is the way the Bible tells the story, but parents are outraged and believe he is a pervert.Hour 2:RC Collins of Bradley Military Academy doesn't think it's fair that cadets can't blow off steam by getting into bar fights like Marines can. He and some other cadets want to be able to turn over garbage cans and shove toilet paper down the toilet to blow off steam and show the "civilians" that they are to be respected.Hour 3:Vernon Dozier is on to promote his book, The Wages of Sin: Surviving Road Rage. Vernon says through Jesus and therapy he is cured of road rage......except when he sees women using hands-free cell phones, flossing their teeth or putting on make-up while driving. He feels emasculated.
Hour 1:RC Collins of Bradley Military Academy wants to be 101st Airborne but would like the option of not jumping out of a plane into combat if it looks too hairy.....RC talks with a combat veteran who tells him he'd kick him out the door anyway. RC says "that would be murder"........RC says that coming down in a parachute makes the target for any enemy on the ground quite obvious...He's shooting up so "what do you think he's going to hit first?....Phil says taking King of the Hill off of the air is Fox "trying to wring every last penny out of that half-hour "like they have their hands on a KFC chickens throat..."...Phil tells the story of the 101st at Bastogne in WW2.....Hour 2:Lloyd Bonafide is insistent that when the youth center he and his wife financially support has its teen formal dance for underprivileged youth, a song he wrote called "I Gotta Rock" be played by the band. The songs lyrics go "I gotta rock, I gotta rock, for God's sake do I have to rock."Hour 3:Vernon Dozier, high school football coach, math teacher and avid NASCAR fan is on to complain about the fact that even though he "pleaded" with his wife not to have to baby-sit their granddaughter while he watched NASCAR, she made him thus forcing him to split his time between watching the racing on TV and cleaning baby puke off of his brand new "Nat Nast bowling shirt." That's why, when his wife got home, he gave her hair a "playful tug till it snapped her head back" while talking to her about his ruined afternoon. As Vernon said, "Messing with a NASCAR fan is like messing with a Bakersfield chimp."
Hour One:Some kid calls Phil to say he thinks he has syphilis because his tongue hurts. It turns out the kid was making out with his girlfriend for about three hours over the weekend and the French-kissing got intense....David G. calls to tell Phil not to talk to much about "tongues" on account of the FCC......Phil blathers about fast lane jack balls going to slow....RC Collins calls to ask if the show is experiencing technical difficulties. It turns out he's cranking the show....A baboon runs through the studio carrying a brassiere...David G. calls and tells Phil to ignore it....Upon hearing about Russell Crowe got popped for throwing a phone at a hotel employee, Phil wonders whether the Australians can really hold their liquor like they say they can....Hour Two:Ted from Ted's of Beverly Hills runs over a bunch of ducks for laughs in his Mustang and makes his son cry in the process......Hour Three:Herb Sewell comes on to talk about Walter Bellhaven fighting the DA in Alameda County for the possession of four human skulls....Bud and Harvey read the e-mail because Phil is "indisposed".....Phil reads some more e-mail and then talks about going shopping for just himself....popcorn and steaks......Phil then talks about Tom Cruise and how all the rumor in the world won't ever make the guy come out of the closet....he's too smart.....
Hour One:Father James McQuarters is on to talk about, a great site to send things our troops need in Iraq and Afghanistan, but he winds up getting high on the air and Phil needs to pull the plug..... Phil talks about what happened to his Jag that fateful day he couldn't slow it down.... Coast to Coast with Art Bell features General Johnson Jameson searching for Frosty The Snowman.... Margaret Grey discusses the Michael Jackson case and the defense playing, as the Drudgereport said, "the Vaseline card."..... Phil attempts a bit called "Spelling Bee For The Deaf" but is critiqued by David G. Hall who says the sound effects are jacked up.... Bud's new cell phone ringer is RC Collins saying "Great show as always Mr. Hendrie.."..... Phil discusses his plan to get on one of those talking head shows wearing an eye patch and smoking a pipe.....Hour Two:Its e-mail time....Rudy Canoza calls and asks why Phil is so slap-happy tonight, laughing during bits and stuff.... RC calls and tells Phil he's been working on his "Luke I'm your father" impression...... Phil says Tom Cruise is a bible banger for Scientology.... Different religion, same kind of dickhead.....Hour Three:Vernon Dozier is on the show to say he has it on good authority that most women who receive child support money spend it on lip hair removal instead of the kids......
Hour 1: Lloyd Bonafide, a Korean war veteran and retired heating and plumbing man, reads aloud an e-mail he sent to the different media about the images of Terry Schiavo on TV and how they show the comatose woman "grinning like she just hit the lottery" Lloyd, naturally, thinks she's somehow grinning at him as if its funny being in a coma and watching Lloyd obsess over his sexual dysfunction problem. Then at the end of the hour Lloyd insists on singing "Hungry Heart" as part of his warm up before auditioning for "American Idol."Hour 2: RC Collins wants to go on a "road trip" to San Francisco with his fellow cadets from Bradley to see Nobu Uematsu, famed Final Fantasy composer" and he wants to take his mom's Lexus but she won't let him. RC laments that his friend Raul will have to drive them in Raul's Camaro but RC is reluctant to be seen in a "Beaner-mobile." He goes on to tell one of Phil's callers that when "I bring Bin Laden's head into your kitchen on the end of my bayonet and place it on your kitchen counter, you don't even have to say thank you. Just don't make me ride around in a Bean Wagon.".Hour 3: After visiting a Japanese Steak House, LLoyd becomes concerned with what he calls "the post stress syndrome" that may be visited upon returning combat veterans witnessing an Asian weilding knives and salt shakers "like he thinks he's something special." Lloyd calls for a shutting down of all teppan resturaunts "commensurate with the first of the year" before some vet pulls a Japanese chef "face down onto the grill"
Hour 1: Dave Oliva, wannabe LAPD is concerned.....the man who was going to marry the Runaway Bride might suddenly get angry with her and "backhand her like Rod Laver at the Australian Open..." If Dave is the cop responding to that call he is going to be torn: A man shouldn't hit a woman but, on the other hand, she did make him look "like a horse's be-hind in front of all of America."Hour 2: Vernon Dozier, a high school teacher, comes on to explain why he has to take a second job at a "sandwich" shop. His pay as a teacher is inadequate. While teaching is the worlds most honorable profession and he is still forced to stand there taking sandwich orders, he ought to be able to date someone's 15 year old daughter without explaining himself.Hour 3: RC Collins from Bradley Military Academy is on to say he's a cadet and unlike Marines in basic training, he can't blow off steam by getting into a bar fight. He wants so much to go to Iraq and stick and insurgents head on a stick. So he and some other cadets "represent" at a local middle school where they turn over garbage cans and shove toilet paper down the toilet to blow off steam and show the "civilians" that they are to be respected.
Hour One:Bill Duncy, a private pilot tells Phil and the listeners that the airspace over the White House should be left open to celebrities who fly private planes since "they've given us so much." They should simply have their agents send the FAA headshots and resumes so the control tower dudes know who they are.Hour Two:Chris Norton's new company, Germaine Hair Care and Salon Products for Women is a bold new venture. He and Lance Germaine base their sales technique on Chris's innate "sess-uality" and his direct and honest approach. "Hi my name is Chris and I wanted to tell you that your face isn't really cutting it."Hour Three:Phil lets everyone know he isn't retiring. He was joking about it since he thought he was going senile steeping on the gas when he thought it was the brake......... RC Collins calls and, along with Rudy, tries out his "la-la-la" technique........ Earl Pants Car Talk has Earl losing his toupee while he is driving a convertible which winds up blowing onto a cops head........ David G. Hall announces that from now on his entrance onto the show will be preceded by the Star Wars "Imperial March" music and he is to addressed as "Lord" Hall..........Phil talks about giving his youngest son a driving lesson........Phil thinks back on taking Maria out for their first date in his five-speed truck and the valet at Santa Anita not knowing how to drive it....
Hour One:Margaret with the news flash that Mancow is coming to LA....David G.Hall says "get the whore off the air...."..Phil talks about Stan and Haney on WRXK...Margaret fights her way off of hold...Herb Sewell asks for pen pals for psychiatric inmate Walter Bellhaven....Dr Jim Sadler plays a PETA tape of a KFC employee having sex with a chicken...Farmer calls to talk about the great beak he got from a Rhode Island hen....Professor Husband Ginther with Chicken Jokes Containing Sexual Innuendo....C93, Pierre, South Dakota program director Darren Browne is forced to his knees and shot execution style by Bud.....Hour Two:Ted Bell tries to impress a beautiful African-American woman at a party by telling her he flies chartered jets every time he travels.....Ted says his employee Craig Lincoln is no big thing for flying first class....African American female caller reacts angrily, saying Ted simply wants a "black sex slave..."...Ted expresses opinion white men are naturally attracted to black woman but that the idea of a white woman being attracted to a black man makes him want to pick up a baseball bat....Ted says the white wives of white men get it and usually won't interfere with their husbands affair if its with black woman....Hour Three:RC Collins of Bradley Military Academy wants to be 101st Airborne but would like the option of not jumping out of a plane into combat if it looks too hairy.....RC talks with a combat veteran who tells him he'd kick him out the door anyway. RC says "that would be murder"........RC says that coming down in a parachute makes the target for any enemy on the ground quite obvious...He's shooting up so "what do you think he's going to hit first?....Phil says taking King of the Hill off of the air is Fox "trying to wring every last penny out of that half-hour "like they have their hands on a KFC chickens throat..."...Phil tells the story of the 101st at Bastogne in WW2.....
Hour One:Rudy Canosa, owner of Je t'aime Lingerie discussed the Minutemen, a citizens group patrolling the border of Mexican looking for illegals. Rudy said that if they kept up that kind of pressure, illegals already in the United States would get upset and we might see more "fingers in bowls of chili."Hour Two:Bob Green, owner of Frazier Foods, is, once again, being sued for sexual harassment; this time by a group of female customers who claim that, over the years, he has engaged in suggestive behavior. Their claims included an accusation that he had "Ladies Shopping Day" where he would offer free popscicles to women at the door and then photograph them throughout the store sucking on them. Another claim stated that Green would approach women customers and ask if they "knew where the corn was." And finally, he had two women pose with corn dogs dipped in mayo under the pretense of it being a promotional picture.Hour Three:Phil hits a couple of funniest lines. The RC Collins calls to report on the big Star Wars Convention over the weekend. Phil later raps about how the Star Wars films contain graphic racial stereotyping and will probably be seen as the "Mein Kampf" of their day. Mavis Leonard calls to say she found part of an orangutan in her Wendy's chili. The Cowboy Jim Show finds Cowboy Jim getting thrown off the air for emphasizing the fact that Cinco De Mayo celebrates the Mexicans defeat of a FRENCH force at Puebla, Mexico in 1862. Then David G. Hall, after Bud squeals, rips Phil for laughing about a proposed Dr. Laura promotional poster showing her in a karate stance. Phil promises Bud he'll kill him with a phone chord.
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