My Key Chain Is Now Out!

I held back on releasing my new “Bobbie Dooley Key Chain” because the design wasn’t quite right, the colors were slightly off and my face was quasi-trucked up. Put it all together and what’s it spell? No can do.

However, we’ve since been on the phone with the Sugarworth Brothers, Dale Pewter and Barbara Lantana and we’ve come up with a luscious key chain for you and yours just in time for Christmas. Or Easter if that makes you feel better. Or Mothers day. Or Fathers day. Or (and this one I own so don’t go near it) Weird Uncle day. That’s right. Weird Uncle day. We all had an uncle that should really have been sent to prison for what he got away with when he came to visit. I know I did (LOL) Well, Weird Uncle day is now our chance to remember that uncle that got away, report him and have him locked up in time for Memorial day at which time you can say “Poor Uncle (his name here) He’s inside now. And it’s such a lovely day.”

But whatever holiday you decide to celebrate and give presents for give the gift that will get lost right along with your keys….The Bobbie Dooley Key Chain!! Weeeee!

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