More Phil Hendrie Show Ink: Matt Groening Has Phil On His Wish List


Hendrie & the Simpsons. Entertainment Weekly reported on The Simpsons panel at Comic-Con International.  When series creator Matt Groening was asked who is on his wish list of people to work with, he answered, “Phil Hendrie.” When he heard about the comment, the KTLK evening personality said: “Matt was the very first person in television to reach out to me 13 years ago. He was kind and encouraging. He’s a hero of mine.”



Homer-Hendrie alliance brews.


Don’t be surprised if Phil Hendrie turns up on Fox-TV’s “The Simpsons” at some point.  At the Comic-Con International conference, Simpsons creator Matt Groening said the Talk Radio Networks and KFI, Los Angeles personality was one of the people was on his wish list to work with.  Hendrie calls Groening one of his heroes.

“Matt was the very first person in television to reach out to me 13 years ago.  He was kind and encouraging,” Hendrie says.

Read more from Entertainment Weekly HERE.



Phil Hendrie Tops Matt Groening’s ‘Wish List’

July 26, 2011 at 12:06 PM (PT)


Object of Desire

On a panel about “THE SIMPSONS” at the SAN DIEGO COMIC-CON INTERNATIONAL this weekend, the show’s creator, cartoonist MATT GROENING, responded to a question about his “wish list” of people with whom he would like to work by responding, “PHIL HENDRIE.”

The TALK RADIO NETWORK and CLEAR CHANNEL Talk KFI-A/LOS ANGELES host has been doing voices for animation for several years, notably on “KING OF THE HILL” and the upcoming FOX animated version of “NAPOLEON DYNAMITE.”  He said, “MATT was the very first person in television to reach out to me 13 years ago.  He was kind and encouraging.  He’s a hero of mine.”

Read about the panel at ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY by clicking here.



Matt And Phil’s “Bro-mance” Weekly reports that during an interview with The Simpson’s creator Matt Groening at last weekend’s Comic-Con in San Diego, the man behind the iconic FOX Television series was asked who was on his “wish list” of people he’d like to work with. Without missing a beat Groening replied, “Phil Hendrie.” Told of Groening’s comment, The Talk Radio Network syndicated personality and KFI/Los Angeles weekend host said, “Matt was the very first person in television to reach out to me 13 years ago. He was kind and encouraging. He’s a hero of mine.” Hendrie (pictured) has regularly voiced characters on other FOX animated series, including King of the Hill and Futurama. His nightly TRN talk show airs on a reported 100+ stations nationwide.



 Simpson’s Creator Has Eye On Phil Hendrie

THE MOUTH, JULY 27TH, 2011 – When series creator Matt Groening was asked at Comic-Con International who is on his wish list of people to work with, according to Entertainment Weekly he answered, “Phil Hendrie.” The Talk Radio Network and KFI-AM Los Angeles radio personality, actor and entrepreneur Phil Hendrie comments, “Matt was the very first person in television to reach out to me 13 years ago. He was kind and encouraging. He’s a hero of mine.” Hendrie’s Talk Radio Network syndicated radio show, heard on about 100 stations, and his local Saturday evening show on Los Angeles’ KFI AM 640 are driven by his cast of fictional characters, all of whom he created and plays on air. As host, Hendrie sets up a topic and discusses it with one of his characters who seamlessly takes the discussion beyond obvious social parameters. Loyal fans enjoy being in on the ruse as Hendrie orchestrates a parody of his own profession — talk radio. READ MORE

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