I Wanna Have a Merchandise!

I know that Ted Bell has used to great effect the Phil Hendrie store on the Phil Hendrie web site to sell his sweat shirts (I’m sorry but that’s what they are. Okay they have a hood too. Wow) Well, I’d like to also use the Phil Hendrie store for something that I want to sell. And that is something that I know I want but I don’t know what…yet! One of my Circle Of Taste gals, Cara Gufstasson-Earp suggested bobby socks! Oh my God, initially I could have beat her bloody, taken a snack break and started in again on her. Bobby sox went out with Hitler. But then I started to think about it. Was she talking about bobby sox…as in Bobbie Socks…was she talking about me!

                 Do you love them? I love them!

I called her to clarify. She told me she’d left her idea on the Homeowners Association voicemail but I said to her we rarely check that because no one really has the number or any reason to call it. She then left it on our home voice-mail but my husband Steve thought the name Gufstasson-Earp was phoney-baloney and erased the message as a crank caller from the Phil Hendrie Show. I then told her to leave it on my cell voice-mail but because my iPhone was acting up my son Dylan tried to fix it and wiped out all my numbers and passwords. So I couldn’t get into my voicemail. Finally she wrote me an e-mail. But I had my spam filter on high and it blocked her immediately. I then told her to write me a letter. So, we’re waiting on that. I did talk to her in the meantime and she said, yes, that’s what she meant. Bobbie Socks.

Thank you

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