Hendrie Heats Up: Now 360 Degrees

It’s no secret that we are huge longtime fans of one of radio’s greatest all-time artists, Phil Hendrie, the man of 1,000 characters, who continues to entertain and amaze with his insanely creative nightly radio show, now syndicated by Talk Radio Network. “We like to think that we’re the radio show that other radio hosts listen to,” Hendrie tells RAMP. Not content to remain constrained within the walls of his own studio on California’s beautiful Ventura Beach, Hendrie’s show and self-contained cast is now blowing out the walls of limitation and spewing everywhere, thanks to the relaunch of his website, Actually, Hendrie calls it “an evolution” of his site and explains just how sophisticated his media footprint has become: “If you remember The Beatles’ Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band album, it was like a giant butterfly busting out of their Rubber Soul cocoon,” Hendrie tells RAMP. “Up to that point, The Beatles were sort of black and white. I like to think that our show was previously available in Kodachrome, and we’ve now busted into HD.”

Hendrie’s new site is ridiculously fan-friendly, featuring a news feed, live streaming video of the show, “Classic Phil” archives, a “Phollow Phil” section and a “Backstage Pass” section where subscribing members can interact with Phil and his cast of characters in realtime. “You can now access us from your Hendrie’s new site is ridiculously fan-friendly, featuring a news feed, live streaming video of the show, “Classic Phil” archives, a “Phollow Phil” section and a “Backstage Pass” section where subscribing members can interact with Phil and his cast of characters in realtime. “You can now access us from your iPhone or BlackBerry; you don’t have to be near a computer or a radio,” Hendrie says. “You don’t even have to be in a city or near a developed area — you could be up in the Yukon Territory with the squirrels and still be able to pull our show down, and that’s a major step.” Subscriptions are a low, low $6.95 per month or $54.95 per year. “Finally — a Phil Hendrie Show headquarters for the smartest radio fans in the world,” he says.

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