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F Is For Family

Friday at F Is For Family looping session
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This episode is a textbook example of what's wrong with the show today.
The topic is pretty straightforward – will lawful gay marriage make being gay a more legitimate option for people who might not have considered it before?
The problem is this sounds too much like a NORMAL talk show! There's no crazy twist on the subject and no outrageous premise that incites the crazies out there to call in.
This results in a very ho-hum show, with bland calls and banter that sounds way too much like the kind of show Phil is supposed to be making fun of. The parody is largely absent and so are the laughs.
For TWO HOURS this so-called "bit" drags on and on. There are very few (if any) laughs and, with no irate callers to bring the funny, Phil resorts to simply insulting and bullying people to try and get a rise out of them.
This happens all too frequently now. I don't know why Phil is having such a hard time capturing the flavor of a show he's mastered for so long; maybe it's a lack of prep and forethought, maybe it's his refusal to collaborate with people and bring in some creative help or maybe he just doesn't care anymore.
Just about ALL of the long-time fans I've spoken to (and i've talked to dozens) feel the same way, and interest in the show is slipping rapidly. Good shows are few and far between and i'm afraid that if Phil doesn't make some changes, even his most devout followers are going to turn in their BSP and call it a day.
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