“We get going in so many different directions.. Jason Jay’s football, Frank’s strange ways, etc…. that we forget to wish all of you a Merry Christmas. So I guess you wait till next year! Haha! Joke”
Category: News
Phil Ad Libs A Saturday Cinema…..
……and we didn’t say it was any good. You decide. But we are rerunning it this weekend because it should be heard (seen) one last time before it’s deep-sixxed in the salty brine of the archives. The movie? “Attack of the Killer Shrews.” How about that.
Don Micksa’s Ready To Take A Baseball Bat To Jay Santos
The famed mouth trumpet player and college professor, with the notoriously bad breath, takes Jay Santos’ appearance yesterday very personally. Also, in studio, Dr Ron Tarner
Citizens Auxiliary Police Have A New Method For Detecting Mental Illness

…..It’s smelling peoples breath. Gum disease can equate to emotional problems… or so Jay Santos says. Also Steve Bosell is going to use a new stage name for his comedy act… Jet Deldona. And get a BSP subscription to hear the other 45,000 plus hours in our archive
Dr Jim Sadler…….
What’s his problem? The long time show contributor and “newsmaker” is a fully licensed doctor who doesn’t remember it’s called a “hypodermic needle” and can’t pronounce the word “pneumonia.”
A Phil Hendrie Christmas Carol
Originally airing December 23, 2009, Phil was two days away from swine flu and about a week away from the hospital but hey, the show went on. Featuring Bud Dickman as Scrooge and RC Collins as Tiny Tim. Fun for the whole family, sort of. Coming Monday
Chris Norton Returns To Saturday Cinema
General Shaw welcomes wannabe adult film producer Chris Norton back as guest commentator on “Mesa of Lost Women,” this weekends Saturday Cinema. “You can also watch it on Sunday or Monday too,” said Chris when we asked him for a comment
Next BSP Chat..January 7
Our subscriber’s chat with Phil is the first Friday of every month. The Saturday Cinema has returned, posting every Saturday afternoon, featuring public domain film of yesteryear
Phil…..One on One With Don Berman, Channel 19 News Anchor!
Phil digs into the sordid yet glamorous past and present of the iconic TV news anchor. His drugs and paternity suits, yes. But also his big break…when he covered little tiny Timmy Timmerman falling into an uncapped well in Sarcosa, California and then wandering out and walking right up to Don, holding a grape drink. 30 years ago. It made…Don Berman.
El Pacifico Weather Update
We live out here on the edge of the world and yesterday the rain was drenching, the winds gale force. But the power to our studios stayed on. In coming days we’ll post photos and video of our digs and other inside stuff. Meantime, the drought in California seems to be almost over. Almost.