Yes, our long-standing… no one really remembers how long…Friday night chat has come to an end. Holding forth for the last several years, first at 9pm Pacific and then 7pm, the chat was the community meeting for many a hardcore Phil Hendrie Show fan. It took many forms, originated both in studio and remote from places north and south of the border and featured many a weird moment, like the lighter exploding as Phil sat fireside 3 years ago. The chat has run its course and we’re going to focus going forward on show content that we think people primarily come to the website for.
Thanks to all, not the least of whom is Jeff Baker who originated and kept our weekly BSP map that tracked who was jumping online with us week to week and from where. The BSP map remains and will serve us going forward in other ways. Thank you all again for being there and supporting the Phil Hendrie Show.
Category: News
The Story of ELCOTT THE NEXT STEP….The short version
Ed Elcott, the great-great-great grandson of Heavener Elcott, whose writings were foundational to the spiritual/religious/self-help system that came to be known as ELCOTT The Next Step or ETNS, was at a crossroads. Having left school at the age of 20, he made his way to California to try his hand at acting in movies or television. He fell into working in the adult film business where he, coincidentally, made the acquaintance of one “Madeline Brickhouse,” an actor he worked with in adult films and who later became known as Erica Dorton, the principal of a California middle school and a major figure in other episodes of the Phil Hendrie Show. Young Ed Elcott, by his description, worked in adults films sporadically and “lived in and ate out of dumpsters” for a period of time until it became apparent to him that acting either in the legitimate or pornographic industry wasn’t going to be a viable living. He made his way back to Wampaugh, New York, reenrolled in the university, took some comparative religion classes, reread the nearly incomprehensible scribblings of his distant relative Heavener Elcott and began work on reconstituting what Heavener Elcott said would be “my big thick one,” or the basic liturgical text of ETNS. Ed called it “The Big Thick One” and turned it over to some golf buddies who had expressed interest in starting a religion as a way of putting to use techniques learned at a sales seminar. By this point Ed had fallen back into abusing drugs and lost touch until he rehabbed 2 years later. The friends had revitalized ETNS with the help of Ed’s writings, named themselves OverLords, designated Ed as a “priestly,” gave him the title of “Doctor” and set about expanding the reach of ETNS beyond New York state, with Ed being their chief proselytizer. More coming up.
Margaret Grey Facts……

In the late sixties, Margaret came to California with dreams of being an actress. She got a producer’s call back for an audition as Audra in “The Big Valley” but Linda Evans got the job. She landed the part of Kat in a CBS pilot called “Bunkhouse” but the show wasn’t picked up. However, one of the producers was Frank Grey. They met, played a game of leap frog in Frank’s office and the rest is “history.”
This Is A Newsfeed…This Box Right Here…This Doesn’t Take You Anywhere. It’s Something To Read…
There was some confusion Friday night. This box here is not linked to anything. This box is simply our newsfeed that PROMOTES what we are doing but doesn’t necessarily link to it. For links to the stuff we do, scroll down and take note of the boxes or “tiles” as they might be called. Those things…they link to our stuff. The daily show, the chat (for as long as it lasts) the Saturday Cinema (for as long as toy lasts) and so forth. And of course, everything in the menu, which would be a scroll UP, not down, I think. All that jazz you can click on. But this box? Its just for news
First Friday Chat Coming Up This Friday, April Fool, Not Really But Yes
This Bud Dickman and the chat is back to it’s regular place, here at the website, 7 pm Pacific and 10 pm Atlantis time or Eastern time I think. I mean, you should probably check and see what it is in Alaska and Hawaii too. And Arizona is different too.
Subscribe And Feel Complete
Yes, a subscription to the Phil Hendrie Show website…this one…brings a feeling of renewed faith and purpose the likes of which your ass hasn’t seen in quite some time. 50,000 plus hours of radio and digital content, pre-shows, home movies, TV pilots…friend, it never ends. The Phil Hendrie Show website… the greatest value online other than porn.
Headphone Failure!
Yes, headphone failure…or what we call “cans” in the business…led to aborting our production for Thursday (which will be heard Friday instead) and instead posting the March 24, 2020 show for today. Again todays planned shown will be posted tomorrow. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.
A Message From Dr Ed Elcott of Elcott The Next Step
I’ve been at the “Cleaners” lately. That’s a reference to having a mind-wiping done as well as other ELCOTT The Next Step “elevators” or programs and treatments to “disinfect” ego from “the host Ed” or me. These ETNS terms you’ll find in our central pamphlet, The Big Thick One. ETNS = Elcott The Next Step
Have A Great Week!
I’m Jeff Dowdder reminding you to have a great week and have a great… you know.. week! Click the headline to see a robot head!
An All New “Creation Of The Humanoids” Saturday Cinema This Week
Yes, after weeks of counseling, fresh foods, clean air, exercise and no booze, General Shaw is ready to re-emerge with an all new Saturday Cinema this coming weekend, a fan favorite, the historic “Creation of the Humanoids,” which we are given to understand is public domain. Seems impossible but we featured it once before. And why we’re wasting valuable post space on Saturday Cinema is a continuing, ongoing mystery