Hi everyone. I’m Bobbie Dooley and I’m reflecting on Thanksgiving 2011. Well Thanksgiving 2011 is in the books. As I sip my Chardonnay because I still don’t know anything about wine some 12 years on and watch my housekeeper load one of our two dishwashers, I’m thankful for so many, many things.
1) My husband Steve and his wildly successful landscaping business. Thanks. Now on to the important stuff…
2) My three sons (cue the Three Sons theme!) Dylan, Seth and Justin. For a woman like me to have three sons is almost a crime against humanity. Ha Ha ha (I’m kidding) No for a woman like me to have three sons is really fun for me.
My boys. Not a good picture because their acting up haha
3) Our 7,000 square foot home with all the early 2000’s amenities like granite kitchen counters, worthless butler pantries, additional closet-sized bedrooms and grand, plantation style, styrofoam-filled columns!
4) My presidency of the Western Estates Homeowners Association and Steve’s vice-presidency and Steve’s treasurery. We’ve held power for 14 or 13 years against all comers, late night negotiations that went well into the late night, you know, in smoke-filled rooms or the parking lot at Koo-Ka-Roo.
5) Koo-Ka-Roo. That’s right. I’m grateful for that LA-based chicken joint and it’s San Vincente parking lot because it was there I struck a “blow” for women’s liberations and everything by getting a lot of guys who were interested in me to quit bothering me.
6) My underwear. You heard me right. I said my panties. If it wasn’t for me hanging my shorts from various trees in the community, our dog Fluffy-Wuff never would have found his way home. Okay. I’ll say it. My dirty shorts. There. You happy?
7) Finally, I’m grateful or thankful or whatever for the Black Cadillac Escalades that have been my “mom rides” for many years, a new one every three years, with an entertainment system for the boys and now an entertainment system for Steve and his brothers and their senile father.
8) And also finally I’m thankful for my dear friend Janice Greely who is my co-chair on the Summer, Fall, Winter and Spring-Tacular committees and my vice-chair on the Steering Committee for Fashion
9) And also finally, I am grateful (thankful) and thankful (grateful) for The Circle Of Taste, my exclusive group of fashion, style and chic experts let by the ever-wonderful Cheri Boone-Rivers. We call her Cheri and then the name of that song. (I think it’s Boone River, right?
Cheri Boone-River and her husband Rogue cutting up at the Winter-tacular formal. They’re a hoot! Rogue’s sister Red married one of the Valley brothers, heirs to a canned beets company! It’s so exciting!