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Show Log For Tuesday April 22, 2014

                           Thumbed his nose at Cornwallis…something like that

The crew interviewed a real moron, William Boone, who wrote a book without a title about something that supposedly happened during the Revolutionary War…the Continental troops thumbed their noses at Lord Cornwallis somewhere in North Carolina….Also Vernon Doziers theory on why a kid stowed away in the wheel well of a commercial jet going to Hawaii…something to do with the jet representing his dad…Congratulations are in order and therefore will be given to kingnut99…winner of todays All-Access BSP iPad…sign up for an All-Access BSP and call in tomorrow to have a shot at winning one….Weeee!

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Show Log For Tuesday April 22, 2014

                           Thumbed his nose at Cornwallis…something like that

The crew interviewed a real moron, William Boone, who wrote a book without a title about something that supposedly happened during the Revolutionary War…the Continental troops thumbed their noses at Lord Cornwallis somewhere in North Carolina….Also Vernon Doziers theory on why a kid stowed away in the wheel well of a commercial jet going to Hawaii…something to do with the jet representing his dad…Congratulations are in order and therefore will be given to kingnut99…winner of todays All-Access BSP iPad…sign up for an All-Access BSP and call in tomorrow to have a shot at winning one….Weeee!

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