The show kicks off with a visit from Ted Bell, who feels some people have been making money on his back, i.e. the movie TED, United rebranded as TED, and of course the TED talks. Later Vernon Dozier recaps the disappointing softball season.
The show kicks off with a visit from Ted Bell, who feels some people have been making money on his back, i.e. the movie TED, United rebranded as TED, and of course the TED talks. Later Vernon Dozier recaps the disappointing softball season.
Gorilla Springs pitcher Celeste Grabbadini twirled a shut-out against Bel Mar in the final tilt of the season
Tom Cattan makes a return with his Health Wagon, which includes a “flush” that’s got the General walking bow-legged. And Paul “Tubby” Lane, the NASCAR enthusiast who can’t take speeds higher than 40 MPH, nonetheless considers himself a badass at Sega and demonstrates it for the panel.
Phil has other work obligations today, so we’re featuring an encore of famed vampire hunter AND killer, Dr. Arthur Barn, who guest hosts with a dramatic lecture on vampire history, his kills, and a phone call from a vampire currently being hunted. Plus some of the doctor’s former students check in.
It’s Kenny Slag’s Principals of Abundance again…only this time Kenny has set up “sub camps” where people will be “more comfortable.”
….. But it’s nothing racial or religious… It’s for your comfort as you absorb Kenny’s Principals For Abundance In The 21st Century……
Here’s Poncho. He was crashed out through the whole thing….
U.S. Congressman Pete McCloskey, upon whom the character Don Micksa is based
Larry Grover is featured in this classic from May 2006. It’s a primer on Larry’s idea of “good, clean, crisp, well-scrubbed sex with solvents.” It’s a must listen for Grover-freaks.
Phil and the gang talk about the Battle of the Little Big Horn with self-described “Native American expert” Deane Wheeler, as he drives himself and Emerelda home from one of her gigs. Also Dr. Jim Sadler tries to weigh in on the story of murderer John List, but is once again laughed off the air by the panel because he’s getting his feelings hurt.