It’s our favorite Korean War vet (‘nineteen fifty, nineteen fifty two) in a couple of classic moments..
Author: admin-philhendrieshow-dev
BSP Only Show Log For Saturday, May 23, 2015
Phil tries to interview Frank Grey about his years representing country DJ Gene Gebell while Frank plays a round of golf. And Jay Santos of the Citizens Auxiliary Police argues against so-called internet “doxing,” but then changes his mind.
Thanks Everybody! Good Time On Our Chat Tonight!
Tomorrow on our BSP only show Frank Grey plays a round of golf while remembering ‘Jerry Geeble,’ later to be known as ‘Gene Gebell.’
Classic Podcast #450 “Angeles Forest” is Now Available!
Don Parsley, professional con man, now tries to play on people’s sympathies for Iraq War contractors. Don claims he’s broke, homeless, and living in the Angeles Forest with his kids. From May 2004.
Show Log For Friday, May 22, 2015
Phil struggles with trying to talk to country disc jockey Gene Gebel about his newly published autobiography “I’ve Been Shot 63 Times” because one of those times was in the face and Gene has some nerve damage there. Later, Vernon Dozier introduces his father, Unger Dozier, who talks to the panel about his love of the Dallas Cowboys.
Friday, We Meet Unger Dozier, Vernon’s Dad
And country jock Gene Gebel tries to talk about his autobiography “I’ve Been Shot 63 Times”
Would you believe a 2 hour BSP chat Friday night at 9PT?
And this time, it’ll happen. Join Phil here Friday night for a special 2 hour chat to make up for the last 2 he carved up!
Show Log For Thursday, May 21, 2015
Dave Oliva talks about the latest burger sensation in LA, the Sween Burger, and his battles with a troll named Loud Clown. Bobbie Dooley prepares for the Springtacular fashion show, and Ted Bell is irate that a local food critic has called his Ted Bell Beef Linkette the “thumb dick” of bar food.
Thursday Bobbie Dooley Rehearses Her Springtacular Fashion Show!
And it’s weird…..