Young couples planning a family and expecting babies that’ll bust some moves risk crack and heroin relapses!
Author: admin-philhendrieshow-dev
Show Log For Tuesday, June 2, 2015
As a way of countering Bruce-now-Caitlyn Jenner’s publicity, Steve Bosell is having a “Lift-Off” and a “Squat-Off” at the Pedigrew Family Gym to show that he and his friends are still ALL men. Don Micksa revisits his guest hosting the Saturday BSP show.
Tuesday Steve Bosell Fights The ‘Jenner’ Effect
Classic Podcast #452 “Rubbers Over Bologna” is Now Available!
Bob Green is our guest and tells Phil about a Father’s Day special he’s running. He’s selling “rubbers” and demonstrates their use by sliding them over large “Bologna” sausages. From June 2006.
Show Log For Monday, June 1, 2015
Bobbie and Steve Dooley return to work out a marital problem. Bobbie, it seems, posted pictures on Twitter of Steve and Bobbie’s brother Daryl trying to launch a boat last year onto Buttner Lake and getting two trucks buried in the process.
Monday Bobbie And Steve Open Up The Cabin At Buttner Lake
“You just told the whole world that I launch a boat like old people fuck.”–Steve Dooley to Bobbie
BSP Only Show Log For Saturday, May 30, 2015
Engineering Professor Don Micksa guest hosts and addresses a few members of the media on the topic of his chronic bad breath. Don just doesn’t see the big deal and is more concerned with a student of his who chooses to smell his own fingers than deal with Don’s breath.
Don Micksa Guest Hosts The BSP Only Saturday Show!
Guess what the topic will be? Here’s a hint: Gorgonzola
Classic Podcast #451 “Marine Privilege” Is Now Available!
Harvey Weirman, commandant of Bradley Military Academy, tells Phil that it’s impossible for a Marine to desecrate the Koran. Now, an Army guy…that might be a different story. From May 2005.
Show Log For Friday, May 29, 2015
Vernon Dozier and Jeff Dowdder get into some obscure sports debate that ends with Vernon ready to kill, as usual. David G. Hall continues the discussion on why the Mike Ohoai Hawaiian Time Show the other night blew so hard, and animal expert Dr. William Brown, who also despises animals, discusses a shark sighting off the California coast.