So in the meantime, you can enjoy high quality iPhone videos of each show….
Author: admin-philhendrieshow-dev
Vernon Dozier Wants The Dallas Head Coaching Job
Phil interviews Coach Dozier who defends Jerry Jones after Phil trashed the Dallas owner on Twitter and Facebook.
“He has a steely look of resolve and can peer through the back of your skull with laser eyes like those kids in ‘Village of the Damned’ and make you get into your car and drive it into a waaallll!”
Happy MLK Day!

Peace to all.
Have A Great Weekend!!!

Don’t watch football! It robs your soul and steals your fertility. Yes, that’s right. Your ability to have children!!!
Go to an ocean. Even if you live in Kansas. Go to an ocean. Stay there until you can see through rock and metal!! People that live in Texas…how do I explain it to them!!!
Green And Dozier Debate, Dr. Sadler Leads A Haunted House Tour, Other News

Episode 2237 also includes Jay Santos’ plans to hassle sports bar patrons and Don Berman, channel 19 news anchor, marveling at the fact people “allow me into their homes” at night
Dr. Ralph Pono, A Degenerate?

On today’s show, free lance journalist Karl Mizla is in Jacksonville, FL to promote a new book and he reminisces with Phil about his days as a student at Jacksonville State, taking cultural anthropology from Dr. Ralph Pono and Pono, Karl says, was a real dirtbag
Dr Ralph Pono Says ” You Come First. Everyone Else Wipes Up The Rear.”
Get Dr Pono’s best seller, “I’m First. You Wipe” and then listen to him today, hosting his own podcast after taking a pharmacist hostage and then having his face slammed onto a tile floor by the cops. “In that instance, they came first,” Dr Pono laughed.
A Backstage Pass Subscription To The Phil Hendrie Show…..
……can save what’s left of your mind. Subscribe today. Do it.
Watch Or Listen To Friday Night’s Chat, Linked Below
Our monthly chat from Friday night at the BSP’s and More page on Facebook, that has people talking on five continents, is available here to watch or listen to with a Backstage Pass.
The Dooleys
Bobbie and Steve Dooley were created by Phil in the spring of 1997. Driving into KFI one night, Phil heard a monotone sociopath droning on about her husbands opinion that the Valley should secede from the city of Los Angeles. With the exception of the husbands opinion mattering at all, Bobbie and Steve were born, with Bobbie becoming the alpha, not Steve.