Dr. Ron Tarner bitches about Stephen Hawking taking Rhonda Rousey betting pool. “Lucky as hell,” says Tarner. Don Berman is suspended from Channel 19…
Author: admin-philhendrieshow-dev
Today’s show may be a bit delayed in posting… Stay tuned!

We’ll have it up ASAP. As close to the normal 10 AM PST posting time as possible!
Classic Podcast #491 “Dirty Dancing” is now available!

Margaret Gray did a lap dance for a friend’s husband at a Christmas party. She thinks she may have to fire the wife, who she works with, for speaking out against the husband. From September 2003.
Show Log For Monday, November 16, 2015
The panel quickly discusses ditching the Monday Phil-only show and then get Ted Bell on the line to recap the Rousey/Holm fight. Chef Chodillia gives his famous turkey burger recipe, and Mavis Leonard gives her two cents on why “The Ring” is an awful movie.
Week 10 Lions action is now available!

The 6-3 DCFB swing into Duckworth for a meeting with the 4-5 Lions, with both teams looking to bounce back from week 9 losses.
HillBilly Football Conference Week 9 Results and Standings/Week 10 Schedule

Week 9 Nov. 8
Miami 31 at LIONS 10
Los Angeles 31 at Utah 28
Portland 44 at DC 29
San Antonio 24 at San Diego 12
New York 31 at Tucson 28
Tampa 45 at Houston 17
Portland 8-1 314-114 3-0 W2
Los Angeles 8-1 280-138 2-1 W8
Tucson 4-5 254-230 1-2 L2
San Diego 0-9 100-347 0-3 L9
Utah 5-4 225-192 3-0 L3
Milwaukee 4-5 227-244 2-1 L1
San Antonio 4-5 173-155 1-2 W1
Houston 0-9 90-364 0-3 L9
Miami 9-0 315-154 3-0 W9
DC 6-3 240-191 2-1 L1
Tampa 3-6 274-255 1-2 W2
New York 3-6 159-278 0-3 W1
week 10 Nov 15
Miami at Los Angeles
Tampa at Portland
San Diego at Houston
Tucson at San Antonio
New York at Utah
BSP Only Show Log For Saturday, November 14, 2015
Phil and the BSPs kick around ideas for a movie night, and Phil ponders a radical change to HendrieCon…
Lions Line for Week 9 is now available!

Jack revisits last Sunday’s ass-kicking at the hands of the Miami Raging Palm Tree. And he brings back New York Pet owner A. Houser to answer for his F-bomb filled exit from Sunday’s halftime interview.
Show Log For Friday, November 13, 2015
Margaret Grey, Bobbie Dooley and Steve Dooley revisit the topic of “who’s better looking, Kylie or Kendell Jenner?” Chef Carl Chodillia is cleaning up after yesterday’s Republican Women’s breakfast of…
Show Log For Thursday, November 12, 2015
An anatomically correct bear costume and rainbow shorts get Steve Bosell in more deep shit at his daughter’s middle school… Frank Grey, getting in 18 at Cheviot Hills, talks about Trump and “what a disaster she is.”