“Coast to Coast AM” with Art Bell. Art gives his theory on where Jimmy Hoffa disappeared to. From July 2000.
Author: admin-philhendrieshow-dev
Show Log For Monday, November 23, 2015
Phil and the panel immediately get into an argument over a show Frank Grey was watching about prehistoric lice. Meanwhile, the Delmonico is in trouble for looking up the dresses of women at the school fair. And Tom Cattan returns…
Week 11 Lions action is now available!

The Lions (5-5) try and claw past a suddenly hot bunch of gator bait…er’…we mean… Gator Bait (4-6).
HillBilly Football Conference Week 10 Results and Standings/Week 11 Schedule

LIONS 35 vs DC 28
Los Angeles 52 vs Miami 38
Tampa 40 at Portland 35
Houston 16 vs San Diego 14
San Antonio 38 vs Tucson 35 (OT)
New York 24 at Utah 23
Los Angeles 9-1 332-176 2-1 W9
Portland 8-2 349-154 3-0 L1
Tucson 4-6 289-268 1-2 L3
San Diego 0-10 114-363 0-3 L10
Utah 5-5 248-216 3-0 L4
Milwaukee 5-5 262-272 2-1 W1
San Antonio 5-5 211-190 1-2 W2
Houston 1-9 106-378 0-3 W1
Miami 9-1 353-206 3-0 L1
DC 6-4 268-226 2-1 L2
Tampa 4-6 314-290 1-2 W3
New York 4-6 183-301 0-3 W2
week 11 Nov 20
LIONS at Tampa
Los Angeles at DC
Houston at Portland
San Diego at Miami
Utah at Tucson
San Antonio at New York
BSP Only Show Log For Saturday, November 21, 2015
Phil talks about the creation of Margaret and others and is reminded of a trip he took, years ago, to see a Florida Panther game.
Lions Line Week 10 is now available!

Jack, Bret, and Earl review the DC game and preview the Tampa game as Earl gets pitched down the elevator shaft again.
Show Log For Friday, November 20, 2015
It’s a Classic Friday as Phil rolls out the first two ever Elcott shows from June 2014. Listen to how the Elcott saga all began right here…
Show Log For Thursday, November 19, 2015
Phil and David G. Hall get into it when David tells Phil that offering the Milwaukee Lions for free on Thanksgiving is like “turning” him “out.” Pastor William Rennick leads a prayer breakfast in Hollywood…
Show Log For Wednesday, November 18, 2015
Dr. Jim Sadler starts things off with a lesson about the wind and its many different forms. Yeah… Then Art Griego talks about some interesting robo-calls he’s been receiving lately. And Doug Dannger wraps things up by discussing…
So you say you liked the Phil Only podcast?

Well, it’ll be back Monday and every Monday as part of a 2 hour panel/Phil Only Monday show. First our panel, then our Phil Only ….
On Thanksgiving, strap in for the Phil Hendrie Show followed by, FREE, Thanksgiving Day football with the Milwaukee Lions at the Houston Sweat.
So now Phil’s working harder…..on Thanksgiving. It’s good for him