Phil and the BSPs chat about a variety of topics, this time from the Elcott Arch of the Novitiate in Anaheim, CA.
Author: admin-philhendrieshow-dev
Classic Podcast #493 “Handicapable” is now available!

High school student RC Collins joins the program to salute 10 years of the Americans with Disabilities Act. RC calls himself “handicapable,” which means that he can get discounts on movie tickets, operate commercial vehicles…
Show Log For Friday, November 27, 2015
Phil brings on a Classic Friday featuring November 2004 and March 2000 show bits. Frazier Foods’ Robert Green is discouraging the sale of turkeys to impress a Playboy bunny he’s dating. And author Brad Rifkin offers the opinion…
Week 12 Lions action is now available!

Milwaukee (5-6) figures it’ll be no sweat dispatching Houston (1-10) in this Thanksgiving Day matchup… Jack Eigagder and Bret Moreson call the action.
Show Log For Thursday, November 26, 2015
Phil and the crew talk with Dr. Jim Sadler about holiday depression and find out that he’s depressed. Vernon Dozier talks about a freak December 2011 wind…
The show uploads are taking a bit longer than normal today…

The double-header is coming your way soon. It should be dropping by 10:30 AM PST. Thanks for your patience!
HillBilly Football Conference Week 11 Scores and Standings/Week 12 Schedule

week 11 Nov 22
Tampa 17 vs Lions 10
Los Angeles 21 at DC 13
Portland 45 vs Houston 7
Miami 49 vs San Diego 10
Utah 37 at Tucson 10
New York 34 vs San Antonio 18
Los Angeles 10-1 353-189 2-1 W10
Portland 9-2 394-161 3-0 W1
Tucson 4-7 299-305 1-2 L4
San Diego 0-11 124-412 0-3 L11
Utah 6-5 285-226 3-0 W1
Milwaukee 5-6 272-289 2-1 L1
San Antonio 5-6 229-224 1-2 L1
Houston 1-10 113-423 0-3 L1
Miami 10-1 402-216 3-0 W1
DC 6-5 281-247 2-1 L3
Tampa 5-6 331-300 1-2 W4
New York 5-6 217-319 0-3 W3
week 12 Nov 26
LIONS at Houston
Nov 29
Los Angeles at Portland
San Diego at Tucson
Utah at San Antonio
Miami at DC
Tampa at New York
Lions Line Week 11 is now available!

Jack rolls highlights from last Sunday’s Lions-Tampa game and interviews Boo Radadiglia, head coach of their Thanksgiving day opponent, the Houston Sweat.
Show Log For Wednesday, November 25, 2015
It’s an “As You Like To Hear Them” interview with Donald Trump. Dr. Ed Elcott is bathing and discussing glitter beards, something ELCOTT-The Next Step novitiates have been wearing for years. Chef Carl Chodillia has set up his annual…
Show Log For Tuesday, November 24, 2015
Bobbie Dooley joins the show to discuss the origins of yoga and how we’ve culturally manipulated other countries. Chef Carl Chodillia gives his Thanksgiving preview and promos his upcoming five butter stick turkey. We then bring back the old segment…