Taking a look back at last weekend’s slaughter and a look ahead to the hope of a victory at home against San Antonio. Also featuring the Gerber line.
Taking a look back at last weekend’s slaughter and a look ahead to the hope of a victory at home against San Antonio. Also featuring the Gerber line.
…due to a disruption in the production schedule. Eigagder has been off his regular WANG radio sports show “Jack Ball” as well because of comments made during the course of last Sunday’s game with Utah.
General Gaylen Shaw guest hosts. Chef Chodillia does his daily recipe from the bathtub. Don Micksa, traveling in the LA area, stops by to talk about his new career in sports broadcasting and the disaster that he says is Ronda…
When Jay Santos finds out he’s being passed over as leader of the Citizen’s Auxiliary Police in favor of Major Newton’s son, Dagon Newton, he loses it. Deane Wheeler tries a new type of meditation to help him deal with…
week 13 Dec 6
Utah 41 vs Milwaukee 10
Los Angeles 41 at San Diego 38 (OT)
Portland 59 at Tucson 14
San Antonio 49 vs Houston 22
New York 53 vs DC 31
Tampa 20 vs Miami 17 (OT)
Portland 11-2 491-210 5-0 W3
Los Angeles 11-2 429-265 3-2 W1
Tucson 5-8 344-392 2-3 L1
San Diego 0-13 190-484 0-5 L13
Utah 8-5 343-246 5-0 W3
Milwaukee 6-7 303-330 3-2 L1
San Antonio 6-7 288-264 2-3 W1
Houston 1-12 135-493 0-5 L3
Miami 11-2 450-257 5-1 L1
Tampa 7-6 371-333 3-2 W6
DC 6-7 333-331 2-3 L5
New York 6-7 286-370 1-4 W1
week 14 Dec 13
San Antonio at Milwaukee
Tucson at Los Angeles
San Diego at Portland
Utah at Houston
Tampa at DC
New York at Miami
Margaret Grey, Frank Grey, and Bobbie Dooley take a look at some of the worst movies of the year. And Steve Dooley makes a big deal out of a joke he wrote and then stiffs in the show.
Chef Carl Chodillia kicks things off with another of his botched cooking segments, Harvey Wireman returns with a Newsbreak, Robert Green discusses the “know-nothing party,” and Dr. William Brown delves a bit into his background.
Vernon Dozier joins to comment on Jack Armstrong’s recent Twitter controversy with an ESPN columnist. And Jay Santos gives an update on Operation Peep Tom and the recent breakdown of his helmet PeepCam.
week 12 Nov 26
Milwaukee 21 at Houston 0
Nov 29
Portland 38 vs Los Angeles 35
Tucson 31 vs San Diego 28
Utah 17 at San Antonio 10
Miami 31 at DC 21
Tampa 20 at New York 16
Portland 10-2 432-196 4-0 W2
Los Angeles 10-2 388-227 2-2 L1
Tucson 5-7 330-333 2-2 W1
San Diego 0-12 152-443 0-4 L12
Utah 7-5 302-236 4-0 W2
Milwaukee 6-6 293-289 3-1 W1
San Antonio 5-7 239-242 1-3 L2
Houston 1-11 113-444 0-4 L2
Miami 11-1 433-237 4-0 W2
DC 6-6 302-278 2-2 L4
Tampa 6-6 351-316 2-2 W5
New York 5-7 233-339 0-4 L1
week 13 Dec 6
Milwaukee at Utah
Los Angeles at San Diego
Portland at Tucson
Houston at San Antonio
DC at New York
Miami at Tampa