Yes, a subscription to the Phil Hendrie Show website…this one…brings a feeling of renewed faith and purpose the likes of which your ass hasn’t seen in quite some time. 50,000 plus hours of radio and digital content, pre-shows, home movies, TV pilots…friend, it never ends. The Phil Hendrie Show website… the greatest value online other than porn.
Author: admin-philhendrieshow-dev
Headphone Failure!
Yes, headphone failure…or what we call “cans” in the business…led to aborting our production for Thursday (which will be heard Friday instead) and instead posting the March 24, 2020 show for today. Again todays planned shown will be posted tomorrow. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.
A Message From Dr Ed Elcott of Elcott The Next Step
I’ve been at the “Cleaners” lately. That’s a reference to having a mind-wiping done as well as other ELCOTT The Next Step “elevators” or programs and treatments to “disinfect” ego from “the host Ed” or me. These ETNS terms you’ll find in our central pamphlet, The Big Thick One. ETNS = Elcott The Next Step
Have A Great Week!
I’m Jeff Dowdder reminding you to have a great week and have a great… you know.. week! Click the headline to see a robot head!
An All New “Creation Of The Humanoids” Saturday Cinema This Week
Yes, after weeks of counseling, fresh foods, clean air, exercise and no booze, General Shaw is ready to re-emerge with an all new Saturday Cinema this coming weekend, a fan favorite, the historic “Creation of the Humanoids,” which we are given to understand is public domain. Seems impossible but we featured it once before. And why we’re wasting valuable post space on Saturday Cinema is a continuing, ongoing mystery
Steve Dooley = Moron
Yes, this is General Gaylen Shaw. The Dooley’s are on todays show, calling from their car. During an exchange between them, Steve Dooley asks Bobbie if he can drive. Bobbie responds: “You are driving.” This is what I mean and I’ve been trying to tell Hendrie for years. They’re both too far out there for any reasonable retrieval. Thanks for hearing me out.
How Dumb Is Phil? Listen to EP 2286
Hi Margaret here, Margay to some of you. Listening back to Phil at the beginning of the pandemic, saying things like “the way I’ve got it figured, you don’t need a mask, just wash your hands” is a frightening docu-eye into the vast, echoing emptiness of a man’s mind. He’s abstract. He’s real different. Listen to March 11, ep 2286. Or maybe you shouldn’t. I’m Margee.
Ep 2284: Chris Norton In A Wide Ranging Interview About “Corn Bowl ’22”
Dave Stretch, Bob Meat, Candy Corn, Gladys Gagstone, Cindy Sausage….just a few of the “great” adult film stars that have appeared in Chris Norton films. And what are those films? “Climbing Rex Rod’s Mountain,” “Took A Walk In Her Backyard, Late Last Night About A Quarter To Ten,” “Sex In Space: Blastoff To Mars” and oh so very many more. And now comes the trilogy, “Limp At The Olympics,” “Corn Bowl ’22,” and “The Farmer’s Daughter’s Revenge: Gag-riculture.” Chris is an idiot
Jay Santos Sings “Layla” On Episode 2283
This is Bud Dickman and I’m letting you know that on Ep 2283 Jay Santos sings “Layla,” he says, to loosen up the audience and not have them worry about the world situation. But he sounds like a idiot and gags on the letter “L” like he usually do or does, I mean. It sucks but then Steve Bosell comes on and sounds ever dumber.
First Friday Of Every Month Is Chat Night. You Chat. Phil Performs

Hello, Margaret here. As I recall, the first time Phil did a chat from a hotel room, we were in Atlanta in 2019. Frank and I had stopped by to see how things were progressing. It was a Hilton near Georgia Tech. Well, you can imagine…… Here’s a weeny, teeny hint. There was no room service. We had to walk to a Publix a few blocks away to pick up cardboard containers of sushi and bottles of beer. I remember Frank saying “I don’t care if we’re camping overnight in Hell, I’m getting my load on.” Classy to the end. That’s Fink. I mean Frank. In any event, this years’s first-Friday-of-March chat originated from the Meridian Hotel in Arcadia, California. Decidedly more upscale. I’m Margay