Jim Sadler defends child-killer Andrea Yates saying that mothers have the right under Roe vs. Wade to abort their children even after birth. From February 2002.
Jim Sadler defends child-killer Andrea Yates saying that mothers have the right under Roe vs. Wade to abort their children even after birth. From February 2002.
Ted Bell reveals for the first time his being sued after “tripping and falling” one night just as the ladies restroom door swung open revealing someone on the toilet that Ted “got a pretty good look at.” Also with…
Bobbie Dooley is horrified by Kim Kardashian’s nude selfies.. According to Bobbie, Kardashian has a huge gut, flattened boobs and ‘an ass that’s collapsed and caved in”
Dr Jim Sadler and Deane Wheeler teach the crew breathing exercises to help slow down their heart rates so they can “live on air.” Construction contractor Steve Bosell, who is also a “professional” comedian…
He talks with Phil about Louie C.K.’s shocking Dontell Trump comments
He talks with Phil about Louie C.K. and his shocking comments about Donald J Trump
Not near as good as the poster looks, this stuff stars Barbara Steele and some other guys in a dubbed extravaganza of really long scenes filled with “dialogue” and a few moments of ghouls and shit.
Phil talks over Saturday Cinema suggestions with the BSPs including “Planet of Prehistoric Women.”
Don Micksa and Larry Grover debate the GOP debate. Micksa eventually uses his funky breath to ward off Larry and his mother Gloria as they try to retake the phone. Doug Dannger, “gay man and gay journalist,” is…
Doug Dannger, ‘gay man and gay journalist,’ is on a run with his motorcycle club but stops long enough to talk with Phil about a film that Doug thinks has the greatest analog special effects of all time….Basketcase!