From May 16, 2000, with Ross Porter & Rick Monday… Check it out with your Backstage Pass
From May 16, 2000, with Ross Porter & Rick Monday… Check it out with your Backstage Pass
Doug Dannger, “gay man and gay journalist” entertainment writer, tells Phil that “Daredevil” is going to stiff next season on Netflix. He says the number of people growing tired of looking at these so-called super…
Plus, the backlash against “q***r superheroes like “Daredevil”
Dave Oliva sort of admires North Korea, Jay Santos cheers on as another guy getting his ass kicked, and Don Micksa is really looking forward to Chelsea Handler’s new talk show!
Jay Santos cheers on as another guy is getting his ass kicked
PD David G. Hall forces Phil into drinking green beer & singing “mick songs” on St. Patrick’s Day.
When freight pilot Art Griego met Michael Jackson years ago he didn’t recognize him. The first thing he said to him was “What happened to you?” Then said “Your spaceship is probably leaving now so, bye.” Now Art…
Jeff, once again, complains about not getting any credit for saving a little girl from a nurse shark at the beach one summer while Mother Teresa is now being canonized
Larry Grover with North American Fathers Rights League says Mel Gibson made the Passion of the Christ to demonstrate the suffering of fathers who pay child support. From March 2004.
Ted Bell and Chef Carl Chodillia invite Dr. Ron Tarner to the restaurant to celebrate Pi Day… and offer him a peach pie. Tarner isn’t amused and chalks the whole thing as a wasted trip. Mark Henshaw and Jay…