…and he’s got a syndication deal on the table! It’s so close Chris can smell it. Will he close the deal or blow it to hell and back!?
Author: admin-philhendrieshow-dev
Today, Phil Returns……..

….and talks with Doug Dannger about the movie ‘The Witch.’ General Shaw weighs in as well. Also Frank Grey on Sherman Adelson and Coach Vernon Dozier on boating safety
Just Arrived And Awaiting The Sunset ELCOTT Rituals
Phil is onstage tonight at the Improv so we won’t have our chat….
….and we’re beginning our vacation week BUT there WILL be a Saturday Cinema tomorrow and an ELCOTT on Sunday!
Later today, Jim Steele’s ‘Live Again’…..

Join Jim and Bobbie Dooley, retired MMA fighter Clarence Ossigos and masseuse Vernal Scope as they try and work some circulation back into Clarence’s brain
Tuesday, May 3, 2016
Phil welcomes on Dave Castorini of Castorini Ministries to talk about Castorini Power, a new matchmaking service… Coach Vernon Dozier almost has a stroke over his softball team getting beat again… And Margaret Grey explains why “ball gagging” can’t be talked about on the show. For the BSP Classic Hour it’s Chris Norton from May 2001, who joined the show to discuss the Tom Cruise gay rumors.
Thank You BSP’s..Another Record Breaking Month…

…..the BSP family is getter bigger!
Thank You For Joining This Mornings Services. We Will Make Available On-Demand The ELCOTT Sunday Show Shortly

Click here for ELCOTT Live! Service starts Sunday at 9 AM PT…
Don’t forget, ELCOTT Live Sunday 9 AM PT!
Sign into your All-Access Backstage Pass, head back to the homepage, and check the Phil Pheed for the link!