Hi Everyone. You know how people wish each other a Happy New Year and nine times out of ten it turns out not to be such a happy new year? I know that’s a stone cold fact for many of the people I encounter. Ordell Greenby got wished a Happy New Year by Crystal Ogalala at last years Covered Dish Pot Luck Good Luck Buffet and wound up driving his car off of the Crowe Sisters Bridge near King Kong and Bulmanani. I know. I was there. I was following him to Twinkie’s to pick up a gallon of red eye and some snack food (we’d run low) when the old drunk, fresh off of a “Happy New Year” took it off the bridge and right into Wheeler Creek. He was fine. But as I lit flares and guided traffic around the tow trucks and police radio cars I got to thinking. Maybe it’s a better idea to wish each other a “Weird New Year” so that when we find ourselves in the Wheeler Creeks of the world, it ain’t no thing. In fact, we expected it and are sort of happy it happened. What do you say? No? Well, it was just a thought. I’m gonna do it anyway because I’m like that. I make everyone around me miserable until they do it……my way.
Until next time, have a Weird New Year!!