A Phil Hendrie Christmas Carol Tonight-Recorded Live 2009

Davve Oliva.–Nephew Fred..
Bud Dickman–Ebeneezer Dickman
Phil Hendrie–Bob Cratchit
Mrgaret Grey–Mrs. Cratchit
RC Collins–Tiny Tim
Robert Leonard–Jacob Marley
Herb Sewell-Man collecting for the poor
Rudy Canosa-Man collecting for the poor
Bobbie Dooley-Ghost Of Christmas Past
Gerald Fischer–Fezziwig
Margaret Grey-=-Little Cindy
Ted Bell–Ted Bell, the Ghost of Christmas Present
Pastor Rennick–Man on the street
Prof Clayton–Man on the street
Vernon Dozier–The Ghost of Christmas Future
Justin McElroy–Kid in the street
Bobbie Dooley–UCLA Medical Center operator

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