(A hat box is a guy so deep in the closet he’s a homophobe) Show Log For Monday July 2, 2012
Doug Danger, a gay man and a gay journalist, was on tonight to comment on Anderson Cooper coming out. “It’s a great moment Phil because it will make straight people less afarid of gay sex and it will make those homophobes lose their “hat box” status. (A hat box is a guy so deep in the closet he’s a homophobe)Jay Santos demonstrates his ‘safety-first’ fireworks skill
Jay Santos of the Citizens Auxiliary Police joined the program to talk about the CAP’s 4th annual family picnic. Jay assured Phil that while he and his “subcommanders” could safely handle fireworks the law still holds for other people: No Fireworks… “I can light off a Roman candle near your new-born baby and not burn the kid up but some other dumb ass, no way,” said Jay