It s the return of Joe Dickhead and the Professor. Last week they went 9-4. This week Joe and the Professor pick the winners based on the number of vowels in each head coaches last name. If there is a tie they go to which coach has more hair. If thats a tie then it’s whose neck is thicker.
Ny Jets at Buffalo, Atlanta at Tampa Bay, Detroit at Pittsburgh, Washington at Philadelphia, Arizona at Jacksonville, Oakland atHouston, Baltimore at Chicago, Cleveland at Cincinnati, San Diego at Miami, Green Bay at NY Giants, Minnesota at Seattle, San Francisco at New Orleans, Kansas City at Denver and here’s their upset special, New England at Carolina So call their special hotline to find out that they think carolina will win!
Meanwhile, the Game of the Week goes on hiatus again! April Bosell told Steve he can’t do anymore games for PhilTV because of some bullshit having to do with staying home Sundays with the family.