Father James McQuarters came on the show to discuss where it is he thinks he’ll be in ten years, as part of a news story on people and the decisions they make. Father McQuarters said he believes he’ll be under a lot of dirt in ten years…..meaning dead. Then he got into it with Bud over Mrs Jones, the priest’s housekeeper and the “two melons she was holding as she walked into the house.” Bud said something wise-ass that got the father angry.“Never heard of it,” said Bud about ‘Eye of the Beholder.’
Bud, Robert, Phil and Margaret talked about Twilight Zone episodes they liked but Bud never heard of the “pig-face one” where the ladies face is unbandaged to reveal a beautiful woman while the doctors and nurses are all hideous looking. When Phil said his favorite was the one where the astronauts think they’ve landed on another plant only to discover they’re just outside Reno, Nevada., everyone laughed thinking he was kidding.