“Gaydar. Doug compared it to the ‘Inglorious Basterds’ villain Hans Landa who claimed in the film he could ‘sniff out Jews.'” Show Log For Wednesday May 16, 2012

Steve Bosell did it again. This time is was Mary Kennedy. When he heard about her death he immediately went to his office to write Kennedy jokes for an MC gig at his church’s men’s club. He told one of them to his secretary who reacted “negatively and scornfully” to the point where a childhood trauma kicked in for Steve and he wet himself. He’s suing for “emotional cruelty and loss of professional stature.”Hans Landa: Maybe he had ‘gaydar’ tooDoug Dannger joined the show, discussing a new study that says some people have ‘gaydar,” an intuitive ability to know who is gay and who isn’t. Doug told Phil he will physically assault anyone that says they have gaydar. Doug compared it to the “Inglorious Basterds” villain Hans Landa who claimed in the film he could “sniff out Jews.”

With Lloyd Bonafide

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