Show Log For Wednesday, December 22, 2010

In our first hour we had on the inimitable Jeff Dowder who talked about how he and other educators and business travelers” were going to campaign to eliminate all forms of security at airports because they “deprive us of our Constitution.” The time has come, Mr. Dowder said, to open ourselves up to terrorist attack for the potential evidence it might yeild and not to continue to violate our personal freedoms. After all, said Jeff, it’s about “Give Me Liberty Or Give Me Death,” something he said he came up with.

Herb Sewell was our guest in the following hour. The “pass-out” or “hangman” game being played by young, adolescent boys in which the individual, using a variety of methods, tries to constrict blood flow to the brain briefly thus producing a “high” or altered state of consciousness. Herb was incarcerated at a hospital for the criminally insane following his conviction for child molestation so this sick ass proceeded to explain to Phil and his listeners that adults might as well tell kids how to do it “properly” because they’ll do it anyway. In fact Herb learned how to do it himself and believes that it can transport him to the “Cavity of Creation.”

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