Show Log For Friday, September 24, 2010

Tonight, we welcome on Bob Green from Frazier Foods. How does Bob deal with dead beat’s using Frazier Foods credit accounts? He contracts with Financial Foundation & Reclamation, a collection agency that doesn’t muscle people. They simply say “If you were to die, say, within 48 to 72 hours from now, your children would assume your debts. Do you want that?” Some people though take that as a threat. “If they do, they do. It’s not a threat but if it gets them to pay their bill, then what the hell….” Later, Lloyd Bonafide called to complain that those ASPCA commercials on cable about abused animals are irritating and even provoked him into kicking his dog and “flicking” a cat over his fence into a neigbors yard. In fact, the sight of a “flying cat” caused his neighbor, a widow with a nervous condition, to “flee her house through the front door, her robe flowing in the wind.” It develops that this woman has suffered the nervous condition since her husband committed suicide some years before…..when he found out she was having an affair with Lloyd!

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