Western Estates Homeowners Association By-Laws Regarding Film and TV Production Within Our Community

I’m Bobbie Dooley and I wanted to clarify some rules regarding the production of TV, Film and to a lesser extent, radio (not capitalized because it’s low budget and generally not very good) on our properties. I was shocked to see that the Winston-Nuttsworth couple, Deena and her husband who’s name I can’t remember went ahead and allowed the crew from “Slattery’s Man” and the crew from “Whistle When You See Vance” to use their property as locations for shoots without getting approval from either me (President of the Western Estates Homeowners Association) my husband Steve (Vice President and Treasurer of the Western Estates Homeowners Association) or me again (President of the Western Estates Homeowners Association Film Commission) or, finally, me (President of Western Estates Homeowners Association Productions) This was a gross violation of our compacts, contracts and resolutions, that is our CC&R’s. Deena and her husband discussing how they can make Western Estates look trashier

As there has not yet been assigned a specific penalty for violating the provisions of our CC&R’s governing when and how various Film, TV or radio projects are produced here at Western Estates I passed an emergency resolution that unfortunately I was the only one to vote on as it was too late to call a meeting of the governing HOA members. It passed 1-0, It says…and please take note Carolyn Hindle-Beaston as I know your husband Heath works on “Chad’s Way” and I thought I saw him taking measurements of your back property and no, Steve, I don’t mean her “back there” property you baby…….if you violate the TV, Film or radio provisions of our CC&R’s then the president of the HOA (in this case, me) shall go onto Twitter or Facebook or any social media sharing sight he or she sees as fit and post something insulting about the violators property. In the case of the Winston-Nuttworths I said their home was a d-u-m-p. You can see it was a mild rebuke insofar as anyone reading it will have to be able to spell (duh) and it is in essence true given the cheap Ethan Allen French country furniture they put in it. If you can’t tell, I am really angry! Why didn’t I get a call from “Slattery’s Man,” or “Chad’s Way” or “Whistele When You See Vance” asking if they wanted to use my home? Oh my God! At least you know if you shoot at our house your crew won’t have to stop off and buy tweezers on their way home because they’re infested with….. never mind. I’m just so disappointed. As the President of the Western Estates Homeowners Association Mental Health Association I am prescribing myself a handful of Ambitropin and a glass of a blush or Rose

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