Posted by Phil Hendrie on Friday, January 26, 2018
Saturday, September 19, 2020
Guys, due to a combination of technical issues, we are not able to post a chat Audi file or a chat video file today. We apologize profusely. Please accept the following chat video from Saturday January 27, 2018 as a way of expressing our fervent apologies …
The BSP Classic Show is from December 2002.
Some of the top news stories of 2002. and guest appearances from the Phil Hendrie Show. Steve Bosell compares himself to Daniel Pearl. Bobbie Dooley discusses Elizabeth Smart. Dave Oliva thinks we should pray to Allah that terrorists don’t attack. Bobbie comes back to talk about the David Westerfield trial. Father McQuarters on to discuss the sex in the St. Patrick’s cathedral radio bit from Opie & Anthony. Jay Santos tells how he’s sanding paint from vehicles at his flair drop to check if you’re the DC Sniper…Lloyd joins in to tell Jay he’s going to have sex with his scull. Vernon Dozier comes on to talk about how Bush’s “Da-Da” is influencing the president.
Episode 1826 of The New Phil Hendrie Podcast