Phil discussed weather with Father James McQuarters who was in Washington DC. Father McQuarters also talked to Phil about his great respect for the late Senator Daniel Inouye, who Phil will discuss on Drunk History soon. He did not know however that the Senator had passed on nor did he know he was Japanese-American. Father McQuarters thought Senator Inouye was Mexican.
Also talking about the brutal weather back east was Jay Santos of the Citizens Auxiliary Police whose organization has prepared "care packages" to be mailed to the weather affected areas. Each contains one Slim Jim and a juice box. Obviously "the imp-god" has it in for the people of the Midwest and South.
Steve Bosell recapped his and Bud's commentary on the NFL playoffs this past weekend. He also mentioned his bittersweet love for the song "The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down." He can relate to people who claim to have been raped by aliens because when he hears that song he feels like its happening to him.