Tuesday, April 10, 2001

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Bobbie Dooley kicked off the show tonight. She recently had her nails done and asked her maid to wipe her ass after crapping because she didn't want to ruin them. The maid refused, so Bobbie fired her. Now the maid is suing.

Clara Bingham joined us in the second hour to discuss the possibility of Jesse Jackson going over to China to retrieve our boys. Clara thinks that if he's going to make the trip then he deserves an apology for everyone dissing him for that illegitimate child.

Phil closed the second hour with a rant about the cops who shot an unarmed kid in Cincinnati, and a hypothetical boxing match: Jesus Christ vs Bruce Springsteen.

Ted Bell was on in the third hour to challenge Tiger Woods to a one million dollar match. Ted thinks that he could smoke Tiger using his 25 handicap.

Phil wrapped up the show by playing all the cuts from The Beatles' "1" album, but due to budgetary constraints could only play a half second of each track.


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